Friday, May 1, 2015

Day 17: A Skipped Day

I was mortified when I realized I forgot to post last night. By mortified, I mean extremely disappointed. Since I've started this assignment, I've posted every single night before bed. Even when I was exhausted, half drunk (ahem Georgetown day?), miserable, etc. I always managed to write some thoughts by 2 or 3 AM. Last night I got in bed, and didn't even give it a second thought. Of all the nights I missed, it was really sad that I missed a normal Thursday night, when I didn't even have an excuse.

When I started this task 33 days ago, I knew it would be a challenge. I really wanted to start my blog again, and the first thing I was advised to do was post everyday. I've done it pretty consistently, but instead of growing a readership base, I've become more focused on doing this for myself. These last few months are incredibly precious for me, and I'm glad I have something to chronicle my time. A few years from now I will look back and remember day to day events that occurred. So, thank you Blog! You have become an integral part of my last semester.

1 comment:

  1. i usually read your blog every morning. coincidentally, i didn't go online this morning bc i had to do a ton of paperwork, but the post was still up before i checked! sucks you broke your streak though.


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