Friday, February 1, 2013

Late night snack

I know, I know, two consecutive posts. What the what? But don't expect this, it's just an anomaly that comes from procrastination.

I went to dinner today, and I wanted to share the dessert that came from it.

That cute little thing on the right is an "Cuppie" from Pie Sisters, and boy is it delicious. But the entire time that I was walking to my study spot, I really just wanted milk. I didn't know if it would be weird to ask the local coffee shop, so I was muttering to myself how I would approach the counter with my request. But low and behold, they already have a drink of steamed milk, called...The Steamer! They suggested that I add a little vanilla, and I'm a sucker for recommendations, so I did. Hopefully this will get me through my hell week coming up.

Goodnight all! 

P.S, I can't believe I made an entry about steamed milk. Let the lol's commence. 

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