Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Alone at last

There comes a time in every student's college life where we realize that we just need time to be alone. And for me, that time is now. Door locked, lights dimmed, PJ's on--I am all set for the open night ahead. Today marks exactly two months into freshman year of college, and I'm ready to go back home again. I don't mean that I have had enough of school, I simply mean it's time for a break. I miss the days of school ending at 2:10 and having the rest of the afternoon free. On Mondays, my last class ends at 9:00 pm, and today my last class ended at 8:20. The nights when I'm not in class, I'm with my friends out and about. It's tough maintaing a social life, a regular sleep schedule, and a decent GPA when my thoughts are elsewhere. Tonight I was primarily thinking about a midterm next week and my rooming plans for next year. To be an RA or not to be an RA? To go to that tutoring session or not to go? My mind just zooms at 10 different thoughts a minute, and I just need to give it a rest.

This leads me to one of the most beneficial classes I am taking this semester. It's more of a workshop than a class, and I do not receive credit for it (if I did then it would probably be my favorite class). But every Wednesday we practice relaxation and de-stressing techniques, and I learn new ways to remain calm each time. I feel well rested every time I exit, and I leave with a renewed sense of peace.

Today, however, I have been feeling less relaxed and more frustrated. Frustrated at what though? I can't pinpoint one specific event,  but I think my cold and a possible transfer to a whole different program has me thinking through a fog. So instead of pulling my hair out, I decided to lock myself in my room and enjoy a nice episode of How I Met Your Mother. It's worked to a point, but all this silence allows my mind to reflect on the events that have transpired. Is that good? Or should I continue locking away my anxiety and pretend it's not there? #collegefreshman

Here's to the ramble I promised in my first post at school. Salut!

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